Desert Gitana
A day of exploring the canyons led to the discovery of a beautiful lake in the desert.
Photographer: J.Lynne Photography
Location: Dry Falls, WA.
Season: Summer 2013
Bra & Belt - Anatasia Designs
Skirt - Dark Fusion Boutique
Top - Dreaming Amelia
Manton - silk vintage

Photographer: J.Lynne Photography Costuming: Bra & Belt - Anatasia Designs Skirt - Dark Fusion Boutique Top - Dreaming Amelia Manton - silk vintage

Photographer: J.Lynne Photography Costuming: Bra & Belt - Anatasia Designs Skirt - Dark Fusion Boutique

Photographer: J.Lynne Photography Costuming: Bra & Belt - Anatasia Designs Skirt - Dark Fusion Boutique

Photographer: J.Lynne Photography Costuming: Bra & Belt - Anatasia Designs Skirt - Dark Fusion Boutique Top - Dreaming Amelia Manton - silk vintage